Saturday, September 8, 2007

Take a toy...any toy!


That is what has come out of this house so far from cleaning Little D's room out of any broken or unused toys. I cannot believe that many toys were not being used! Oh my gosh does it look so much better in there! We even had room to rearrange things so he could get to his train table again. Yes...He is FINALLY playing with that cash hog! WOOHOO!!!!

So we still have Princess Grabby Hands' room to clean out. I know for a fact there are rattles and stuff in there and the child is over a year old. I don't think rattles are what is on her mind to play with at this point. Who knows, I may find the Holy Grail in there!

I just want the stuff out of here! With LD's birthday and Christmas being back to back, I know that they will get restocked on the toys in a few short months. We didn't get rid of the "favorites" or the ones they play with at least once every couple of weeks. It was all the stuff that I haven't seen either child touch in ages even though they had full access to them!

So now what to do. On top of about 20 boxes of clothes in the garage, I now have the two boxes of toys I just cleaned out plus another two that I cleaned out about 4 months ago. I gave a few toys to the speech therapist to update some of her stuff (she gets bored using the same toys over and over).

Garage sale. I know that is what is on so many of your minds. I really want to but UGH the work! It takes forever to set up and price everything. The clean up is easier because everything gets shoved into boxes and off to the charity thrift store with it. I refuse to try to resell things from the year before and have them take up space in my garage for a whole year. I'm sure I'll have a lot of other things that I am sick of seeing not being used by the next year.

Then to make sure the kids don't come along and take back out what you put in there! That is the hard part. They see toys they haven't played with in ages and all of a sudden it's their favorite toy all over again. GROAN!

So do I or don't I...that is the question. Decisions, decisions. If I am going to do this, I have to do it soon. It's already September for Pete's sake! (Who's Pete anyways and why do we care about his sake?) Someone want to come over and do my garage sale for me? I thought not. Well, I tried!